Light and Dark

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Love is easy; I don’t care what they say
Falling for him happened in but a blink,
I didn’t have to plan, I didn’t want to run
It was easy and I didn’t have to think


Lord knows I’m a planner, a thinker too
And don’t stop or settle for any less
So when love happenned the way it did
I embraced with both hands, effortless


Love is easy; I don’t care what they say
But what isn’t easy, is to understand,
To understand me on days I don’t know myself
When it feels like I’m drowning in quicksand


Today I look back, overwhelmed to learn
My childhood dreams didn’t come true
I wished for a life centered around love
“It won’t be easy” they made sure I knew


How silly, I muse as I smile to myself
Knowing well I have his love and his heart
But what I cherish more than all of it combined
Is his understanding, of my light and dark